Who are we?

Our group was incorporated in 2019 as a way to facilitate the preservation of any suitable example of Queensland’s railway rollingstock and any associated memorabilia in a way that maintains its integrity and originality.

Our members (including the management committee) come from a mixture of backgrounds sharing one sole purpose, that is to ensure we’re getting the best possible preservation outcomes for the items under our governance.

What is our goal?

to achieve the best possible outcome for the preserved rollingstock and memorabilia, that comes under our governance.

This includes:

  • Securing items (via purchase, donation or an agreement with a member who owns the item)
  • Providing safe storage for items (via group or member controlled locations)
  • Planning for an item’s future
  • Project Management
  • Long-term leasing to community or commercial entities
  • Allocation of volunteers

Our Management Committee


Mick Saffioti
[email protected]


Greg Adams
[email protected]


Dean Stalker
[email protected]


Jack Weber
[email protected]